Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University: >Guidelines for completing DCU Module descriptors on Coursebuilder

Guidelines for completing DCU Module descriptors on Coursebuilder

Main tab

This section has the following headings: Module Code, Title/Long Title, Module Coordinator/Author, NFQ Level, School, ECTS Credits, Description and Keywords.

Module Code, Title/Long Title, Module Coordinator/Author NFQ Level, School, ECTS Credits

These have been automatically populated for each module.


Please provide a 100 - 150 word description of the module, using the general format:

"The purpose of this module is to .... in this module students will develop knowledge and skills in ... students will participate in the following learning activities ...". 

Points to note:

  • Refer to the module’s purpose, content, context and audience attributes (if applicable); please do not simply repeat the module learning outcomes.
  • For 'work-placement' modules, please provide detail on context and duration of placement, the student’s expected role and the support mechanisms available.
  • Provide an indication of the learning activities/teaching methodologies employed.

"The purpose of this module is to introduce participants to basic statistical inference. In this module students will develop knowledge and skills in standard econometric methods in an investment economics context. The approach taken addresses the needs of participants as (i) informed consumers of econometric information and work that uses econometric techniques; and (ii) users of econometric methods to test or explore economic and financial hypotheses. Additionally, this module provides a platform of knowledge that allows participants to tackle work that requires more sophisticated econometric approaches. Students are expected to attend lectures, contribute to seminars, and to engage in online learning activities on a regular basis."

Below as a guide, are some suggested types of learning activities which may apply to your module:

  • "Students are expected to attend lectures, contribute to seminars, and to engage in online learning activities on a regular basis"
  • "The module is delivered through a combination of lectures and compulsory labs"
  • "Students will engage in group projects facilitated by a tutor"
  • "The module is delivered online only and will require students to actively participate in online collaborative activities"
  • "Students will discuss expert articles during weekly seminars"


The module database will be searchable using keywords.

To add keywords:

  1. Enter a keyword which describes this module into each box.
  2. Press Add.