Book Chapters
Downes, P. (2023). Inclusive systems as relational space in and around schools for supporting migrants in education: A spatial focus on transitions from diametric to concentric spatial systems. Research Handbook on Migration and Education ( H.Pinson, N.Bunar & D.Devine, Eds.) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/research-handbook-on-migration-and-education-9781839106354.html
Downes, P. (2022).Framing Early School Leaving and Bullying Prevention as Issues of Concentric Inclusive Systems in a Global Context. In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems, (Eds. R.Baikady, S.M. Sajid, J. Przeperski, V. Nadesan, M. Rezaul Islam & G. Jianguo). London: Palgrave Macmillan
Irwin, Jones (2023) ‘Whither the Situationist University After Late Capitalism?’ in On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities. Edited by Jakub Jirsa. Karolinum Books. Prague, Czech Republic. March 2023.
Irwin, J. (2022) Exploring Specific Tensions in Paulo Freire’s Educational and Political Philosophy’ in Irwin, J. and Todaro, L. (eds.) (2022) Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Oxford/Geneva. Peter Lang.
Irwin, J. Todaro, L. and Vittorio, P. (2022). ‘Freire in Italy Again Today: An Interview with Paolo Vittorio’ in Irwin, J. and Todaro, L. (eds.) (2022) Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Oxford/Geneva. Peter Lang.
Irwin, J., Todaro, L. and Mazzini, R. (2022). ‘Theatre of the Oppressed in Italy After Freire and Boal – An Interview with Roberto Mazzini’ in Irwin, J. and Todaro, L. (eds.) (2022) Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Oxford/Geneva. Peter Lang
Downes, P. (2022). Rethinking the Interplay between Schooling, Mental Health, Wellbeing and Poverty: Key Issues for Sociology of Education Regarding Structure, Space and Agency. SAGE Handbook on the Sociology of Education (Berends, M., Schneider, B. & Lamb, S.) (In press)
Making Excellence Inclusive: Towards a new Cedefop survey of VET teachers and trainers Online webinar 3 February 2021 Summary of outcomes
Cefai, C., Bartolo, P., Cavioni, V., & Downes, P. (2018). A whole school approach to social and emotional education. In R. Sapra (Ed.), Reflections: Skills for Social and Emotional Wellbeing. New Delhi, India: Authors Press
McNally, S., Murphy, T., Morgan, M., & Keegan, S. (2018) Governance and Ethics in Community Research and Evaluation. In: Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings. London: Routledge.
O’Brien, M (2018). Wellbeing/welfare, schooling and social justice: Caring relationships with students, parents and community. In: Thornburn, M (eds). Wellbeing, Education and Contemporary Schooling. London: Routledge.
Boyle, A., Flynn, M., & Hanafin, J. (2018). From Absorption to Inclusion: The Evolution of Irish State Policy on Travellers, in Social Capital and Enterprise in the Modern State, edited by Éidín Ní Shé, Lorelle J. Burton, and Patrick A. Danaher, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 75–115
Bryan, A. (2017). (In)equality of opportunity and educational reform in Ireland in the 1960s; In: James Kelly and Susan Hegarty (eds). Schools and schooling, 1650–2000 New perspectives on the history of education – the eighth Seamus Heaney lectures. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
Rami, J & Kelly, J (2017). Initial Teacher Education in FET settings: Affirmation and Aspiration; In: Brian Mooney (eds). Education Matters Yearbook 2016-2017. Galway, Ireland: Education Matters.
Downes, P (2016). Developing Inclusive Systems across the Education, Health and Social Sectors for Early School Leaving Prevention in Improving the Quality of Childhood in Europe · Volume 6. Michiel Matthes, Lea Pulkkinen, Belinda Heys, Christopher Clouder, Luis Manuel Pinto (Eds). Brussels: Alliance for Childhood European Network Foundation Chapter listing here
Downes, P (2009). Prevention of bullying at a systemic level in schools: Movement from cognitive and spatial narratives of diametric opposition to concentric relation. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer, & D. L. Espelage (Eds). The Handbook of Bullying in Schools: An International Perspective. New York: Routledge
Downes, P., Zule-Lapimaa, A., Ivanchenko, L. & Blumberg, S. (2008) Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Living for Tomorrow NGO: Tallinn
Downes, P. (2008) Introduction In: P.Downes, A. Zule-Lapimaa, L.Ivanchenko & S.Blumberg (eds). Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Tallinn, Estonia: Living for Tomorrow.
Downes, P. (2008) 'The International Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health: A Key Legal Framework for Human Trafficking ?' In: P.Downes, A. Zule-Lapimaa, L.Ivanchenko & S.Blumberg (eds). Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Tallinn, Estonia: Living for Tomorrow.
Downes, P., Ivanchenko, L., Zalcmane, S., Smelt, H., & Blumberg, S. (2008) 'Conclusion: Key Indicators Regarding Prevention, Protection and Prosecution in Relation to Human Trafficking in the Baltic States' In: P.Downes, A. Zule-Lapimaa, L.Ivanchenko & S.Blumberg (eds). Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Tallinn, Estonia: Living for Tomorrow.
Downes, P. & Gilligan, A-L Introduction in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Downes, T & Downes, P. (2007) Pedagogy of the processed in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Downes, P. (2007). Why SMART Outcomes Ain't Always so Smart in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
O'Brien, M & Flynn, M. (2007). Emotions, Inequalities and Care in Education in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Kennedy, E. (2007). Literacy in Designated Disadvantaged Schools in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Dooley, T and Corcoran, D. (2007). Mathematics: A Subject of Rights and Wrongs? in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Mullan, Y and Travers, J. (2007). An Early Intervention that Counts in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Bryan, A. (2007). The (Mis) Representation of Travellers in the CSPE Curriculum in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Murphy, P. (2007). Drama as Radical Pedagogy in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Butler, D & Kelly, J. (2007). The Digital Era: Empowerment or Digital Divide? in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Ryan, C. & Downes, P. (2007) The National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS): The need for more dialogue with designated disadvantaged schools ? in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Downes, P., Maunsell, C. & Ivers, J. (2007). The ‘jolt in climate’ between primary and post-primary in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Maunsell, C., Barrett, V and Candon, M. (2007). Primary to Post-Primary: Perceptions of Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Downes, P. & Gilligan, A-L (2007) Beyond Disadvantage: Some conclusions in Downes, P & Gilligan AL (Eds) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration
Downes, P. (2003). The Estonian and Latvian Integration Programmes: A Recipe for Significant Early School Dropping-out amongst their Russian-speaking Minorities. In Finlay, J. & Debicki, M. (Eds.) Delivering Public Services in CEE Countries: Trends and Developments. The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee)