Publications - Beyond Educational Disadvantage
Beyond Educational Disadvantage (2007)
Paul Downes and Ann Louise Gilligan (Eds)
The launch of Beyond Educational Disadvantage, edited by Paul Downes and Ann Louise Gilligan and published by the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) was held in the Auditorium of St. Patrick's College on Monday 17th September 2007. Among the 250 people attending were Pat Carey, Minister of State at the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and Fergus Finlay CEO of Barnardos who officially launched the book. Dr. Mark Morgan chaired the proceedings with Jim Cullen, Director General of the IPA opening the session
The sale and distribution of the book is being handled by the IPA and can be purchased directly from their website www.ipa.ie
From left: Jim Cullen, Fergus Finlay, Paul Downes, Pat Carey, Ann Louise Gilligan and Mark Morgan
Noelle Spring: Tracing the Language of Educational Disadvantage
Katherine Zappone:Towards a Living System of Education
Tony Downes & Paul Downes: Pedagogy of the Processed
Ann Louise Gilligan: The Dilemma of Difference
Louise Derman- Sparks and Karen Fite:Disadvantage and Diversity in Early Childhood Education
Paul Downes: Why SMART Outcomes Ain’t Always So Smart …
Maeve O'Brien & Marie Flynn: Emotions, Inequalities and Care in Education
Noreen Flynn: Tackling Educational Disadvantage: Home and School
Philomena Donnelly:Early Childhood Education: Absent from the Irish System
Ann Higgins: My Kids, Your Kids, Our Kids!
Liam Bane: A Seagull’s View – Adult and Community Education
Dympna Mulkerrins: The Transformational Potential of the Home School Community Liaison Scheme
Toni Owens: The Development of Men’s Community Education in Ireland
Liz Waters: Community Education: A View from the Margins
Susan Quinn: ‘Only Brainy and Boring People Read’
Sylwia Kazmierczak-Murray: Preventing Potential Weaknesses in Early Literacy Instruction
Yvonne Mullan: Raising Literacy Levels Locally
Eithne Kennedy: Literacy in Designated Disadvantaged Schools
Thérèse Dooley and Dolores Corcoran:Mathematics: A Subject of Rights and Wrongs?
Yvonne Mullan and Joseph Travers: An Early Intervention that Counts
Audrey Bryan: The (Mis) Representation of Travellers in the CSPE Curriculum
Anne Boyle: Traveller Parents and Early Childhood Education
Rory McDaid: New Kids on the Block
Anne McGough: Addressing Disadvantage: What about Teaching?
Colm Hefferon: A Model of Drama for Educational Disadvantage
Paula Murphy: Drama as Radical Pedagogy
Deirdre Butler & John Kelly: The Digital Era: Empowerment or Digital Divide?
Merike Darmody:Strengthening the School Social Climate
Mary C. Byrne: Health for All
Cathríona Ryan and Paul Downes: Future Steps for NEPS?
Mark Morgan and Karl Kitching: The Job Satisfaction of Beginning Teachers
Tracey Connolly: Bridging the Gap
Claire W. Lyons, Ann Higgins, Fiona O’Connor, Frank J. Howe,Ruth Bourke and Denise McSweeney: Models of Intervention for Challenging Behaviour
Paul Downes, Catherine Maunsell and Jo-Hanna Ivers: The Jolt between Primary and Post-Primary
Catherine Maunsell, Vanessa Barrett and Mark Candon: Primary to Post-Primary: Perceptions of Pupils with Special Educational Needs
Gerard Farrelly: Bullying and Social Context: Challenges for Schools
Thérèse Hegarty:Towards a Narrative Practice: Conversations in a City Centre School
Áine Murphy: Peer Mediation: the Power and Importance of Children’s Voices
Paul Downes & Ann Louise Gilligan: Some Conclusions