R i S E Reintegration into Society through Education and Learning

Dr Catherine Maunsell, Dr Liz McLoughlin, Dr Jane Carrigan and Valerie McLoughlin editors of the RiSE: Reintegration into Society through Education and Learning Position Paper, were invited to showcase the project as an example of a successful Grundtvig project at the Léargas joint Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action conference.
The RiSE stand depicted the work accomplished by the partnership over its two years cycle. The conference, Live, Share, Inspire, highlighted the benefits of European exchange and cooperation and was held in the Marino Institute in December 2013. The RiSE partnership comprised of academics, prison educators and personnel from Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland, Austria and the Educational Disadvantage Centre, St Patrick College as the Irish partners

European Commission
The research focus of the Reintegration into Society through Education and Learning – RISE Grundtvig Learning Partnership (2011-2013) is on educational approaches which enhance the transition from prison back to society. Different models of educational networking between the 'inside' and the 'outside'will be examined. The partnership comprises of prison education personnel and academic researchers with overall co-ordination by FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V. (FCZB). The EDC’s participation in the RISE Grundtvig Learning Partnership is facilitated through Léargas, as the national agency, under the aegis of the Department of Education and Skills and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Dr. Catherine Maunsell is the Irish research co-ordinator, with Dr. Paul Downes as research associate and Valerie McLoughlin as research administrator.

RiSE Report
The final Study Visit of the Grundtvig RiSE, Reintegration into Society through Education and Learning, partnership took place in Luxembourg from June 12th to 14th 2013. The purpose of the Study Visit was a Press Conference to launch of the RiSE Position Paper on prison education and its role in the prisoners’ reintegration into society, the culmination of two years’ work by the RiSE partners. The Position Paper was edited by the Irish team; Catherine Maunsell, Liz McLoughlin, Jane Carrigan and Valerie McLoughlin.
The press conference was held in Maison de L’Europe. Two Luxembourgish members of the European Parliament were on the panel, M. Georges Bach of the Christian Democrat party, and M. Claude Turmes, a member of the Green Party. The panel also included M. Luc Reding from the Luxembourg Ministry of Justice, the RiSE coordinator Irina Meyer from FCZB, Berlin and Dr. Catherine Maunsell, St. Patrick’s College. The Luxembourgish partner, Défi-job, hosted the event and its CEO M. Mario Della Schiava chaired proceedings alongside Mme. Paula Gomes, RiSE coordinator for Luxembourg
Drawing deeply on evidenced based practice, the Position Paper heralds an innovative approach to prison education with its first of five principles being the acknowledgement of ‘the person at the centre of his/her own learning’.

Dr Liz McLoughlin (DCU),Dr Jane Carrigan (SPD); M. Mario Della Schiava (Défi-job); Dr Catherine Maunsell (SPD) and Valerie McLoughlin (SPD)

Mainz 2013
The penultimate Study Visit of the RiSE project took place in Mainz, Germany and was hosted by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Centre for Continuing Education. The main theme of this study visit was the qualification and motivation of prison and support personnel.
A key part of the agenda for the study visit was dedicated to furthering the proposed Position Paper, the principles of this paper and the various tasks attached to its finalisation. To this end, the Irish team, Catherine Maunsell, Liz McLoughlin, Jane Carrigan and Valerie McLoughlin, facilitated a ‘World Café’ which spoke to the five principles of the draft Position Paper, seeking feedback from all participating practitioners and researchers.
Planning of the Press Conference scheduled for the final study visit in Luxembourg in June 2013 was also on the agenda.

Dublin 2013
Participants to the fifth Study Visit in Dublin were welcomed to the College by Dr. Fionnuala Waldron, Dean of Education, Dr. Daire Keogh, President and Dr. Paul Downes, EDC Director. The focus of the RISE Dublin Study Visit was on prison education policies, practices and learner participation, the outcomes of which will inform the upcoming meetings in Mainz in April and the final meeting in Luxembourg scheduled for June 2013.

Vienna 2012
The central theme of the fourth study visit of the RISE Reintegration into Society through Education and Learning – Grundtvig Learning Partnership (2011-2013)was 'How prisons learn from prisoners'. Dr. Catherine Maunsell and Valerie McLoughlin attended this study visit in Vienna on the 13th and 14th September 2012 with Dr Maunsell facilitating a workshop on a proposed Green Paper/ Position Paper on prison education. The study workshop was hosted by Vollzugsdirektion and held in two prisons in Vienna, Wein-Simmering and Wien-Josefstadt.
‘Prison as a Learning Environment’ was the central theme of the third study visit of the RISE Reintegration into Society through Education and Learning – Grundtvig Learning Partnership (2011-2013) attended by Dr. Catherine Maunsell (Education Department) as the Irish Research Co-ordinator. The study visit was hosted by the Criminal Sanctions Region of Southern Finland at Helsinki prison and by IJKK Vocational Training Centre at Järvenpää from 10th-12th May, 2012. The EDC’s participation in the RISE Grundtvig Learning Partnership is facilitated through Léargas, as the national agency, under the aegis of the Department of Education and Skills and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

Ghent 2012
In March 2012. Dr Catherine Maunsell (Education Department,) and Ms. Valerie McLoughlin (Educational Disadvantage Centre), St. Patrick's College attended a study visit of the RISE project in Ghent, Belgium. The research focus of the Reintegration into Society through Education and Learning – RISE Grundtvig Learning Partnership (2011-2013) is on educational approaches which enhance the transition from prison back to society. Different models of educational networking between the 'inside'; and the “outside” are being examined. The partnership comprises of prison education personnel and academic researchers with overall co-ordination by Frauen Computer Zentrum Berlin e.V. (FCZB). The study visit incorporated a full day in the Ghent Correctional Facility, liaising with prison educators and other prison personnel. Focus in the research workshops was on development of individual education plans (IEPs) and exploring models of good practice regarding IEPs in prison education within the partner countries which include Germany, Belgium, Finland, Luxembourg, Austria and Ireland
In November 2011. Dr. Catherine Maunsell and Dr. Liz McLoughlin, Research Associate of the EDC gave a presentation on ‘Prison Education in an Irish Context’ at the first meeting of the RISE Reintegration into Society through Education and Learning – Grundtvig Learning Partnership (2011-2013) hosted by FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V. (FCZB), Berlin from 16th-19th November 2011.