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Educational Disadvantage Centre Invited Presentation on Community Lifelong Learning Centres for Asian-European Network

The Educational Disadvantage Centre gave an invited presentation on its HEA funded local community outreach hubs in Darndale-Coolock, Kilbarrack and Finglas, as well as on Familibase Ballyfermot, as examples of international good practice for an Asian-European Network Webinar on the role of community learning centers across Asia and Europe on June 14, 2023.

The invited presentation, Community Lifelong Learning Centres with Socio-Economically Marginalised Groups: Key Features and Examples for Asia and Europe to Consider, was given by Professor Paul Downes, Centre Director, Sarah McManus & Elaine Davis,, Educational Disadvantage Centre  Outreach Hubs Coordinators and Dr. Siobhan O’Reilly, Senior Research Associate, Educational Disadvantage Centre and former CEO of Familibase Ballyfermot.

Dr. Irene Psifidou from CEDEFOP also presented at the European case studies session. Case studies from Asia highlighted successful community learning centers from Balanga, the Philippines and Bann Pueng, Nakhon Panom province, Thailand

The webinar had over 1000 live viewers, with 182 participants and a Facebook reach of 1,500 people

The ASEM LLL Hub, established in 2005, is an official network of Asian and European higher education institutions, working and learning together to achieve excellence in comparative research on lifelong learning, to offer research-based education policy recommendation, and to develop mutual understanding between Asia and Europe

It has 6 research network groups that focus on different aspects of lifelong learning. This event was also the Launch of its new Research Network group - Non-formal and Informal Learning.