Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Learning Innovation Unit
Teaching & Learning Conferences 2008
ILTA (Irish Learning Technology Association) Conference
LT - Association for Learning Technology
SRHE - Society for Research into Higher Education
University of Ulster Conference
ILTA conference EdTech 2008 - Breaking the Barriers
Venue: Dundalk Institute of Technology
Date: 22nd - 23rd May, 2008
More information http://www.ilta.net/
CELT conference, NUI Galway
Critical Thinking: The Galway Symposium on the Future of Universities 5-6 June 2008, NUI Galway
More information: http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/index.asp?Conference=50
NUI Galway have also created a blog to give a taste of the Symposium activities http://ollscoil.blogspot.com/
UCD Teaching and Learning Colloquium
UCD's 2nd colloquium on university teaching and learning: will take place on Tuesday 10th June 2008 in the UCD Health Sciences Centre.
The purpose of the colloquium is to provide an opportunity to share, and learn from, current best practices in teaching and learning in Higher Education where innovations undertaken in UCD will be presented. Expert colleagues have been invited to share their own experiences. Please see http://www.ucd.ie/teaching/projects/colloquium_2008.html for more information.
AISHE Conference 2008
AISHE-C 2008: Encouraging Student Engagement
August 2008, NUI Maynooth, Ireland
Further details: http://www.aishe.org/events/2007-2008/conf2008/
ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the digital divide
Leeds, UK, 9-11 September 2008
More information http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc2008/
SRHE - Society for Research into Higher Education
Reshaping Higher Education
Annual Conference 2008, 9-11 December
Conference Venue: Liverpool
More information http://www.srhe.ac.uk/conference2008/venue.asp
University of Ulster Confernece
eLearning Conference 2008: eLearning: Enhancement and Impact
University of Ulster
Northern Ireland
For more information please visit http://www.ulster.ac.uk/staffdev/e-conference.phtml