Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University

Learning Innovation Unit

Teaching Reflections

Teaching and Learning Awards, Funding Calls, Events & Conferences

Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

The Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning is awarded annually by the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) and
DCU. The award recognises and rewards innovative practice in teaching and learning in Ireland, and in particular reflects and remembers Jenn’s vibrancy, creativity, energy and passion for learning. The deadline for submissions for the 2010/11 award is 7 February 2011. Full details are available at www.jenniferburkeaward.ie or contact morag.munro@dcu.ie.

DCU Learning Innovation Fund (LIF) Project Scheme

The LIF Project Scheme provides seed funding to support projects aimed at enhancing teaching and learning activities. The deadline for
submissions under the 2010/11 scheme is 14 February 2011. Full details are available at www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/lif-schemes/project-scheme/ or contact

Conferences and Publications Scheme

The LIF Conference and Publications Scheme supports the dissemination of the output of scholarly activity relating to Teaching/Learning (e.g. publication of research outputs; fees and subsistence relating to presenting at a conference). Application details are available from www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/lif-schemes/conferences-publications/2010 or contact morag.munro@dcu.ie for further detail.

Global Learning Impact 2011 awards

The Learning Impact awards are designed to recognise the most impactful use of technology worldwide in support of learning. Deadline for submissions is 31 December 2010. Finalists will be selected to showcase at the annual Learning Impact conference. See www.imsglobal.org/learningimpact2011/awards.html for detail.

Upcoming Events and Conferences

Date Event Venue
5 May SEDA Spring Teaching Learning
and Assessment Conference
Holyrood Hotel,
11 May DCU Teaching and Learning Day DCU
26-27 May Problem Based Learning: Today & Tomorrow
28-30 June Diverse (Developing InnovativeVisual Education Resource for Students Everywhere)

LIU Workshops and Seminars

The LIU offers a range of workshops and seminars relating to teaching and learning. A full list of workshops scheduled for the 2010/11 academic year  is available at www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/Events/index.shtml.

Our lunchtime seminars are held on Wednesdays from 1-2pm. The aim of these seminars is to encourage the cross-fertilisation of ideas between  schools and disciplines and to generate debate on subjects of campus  wide interest relating to teaching and learning. The seminar format  consists of a presentation followed by questions and general discussion.  The atmosphere is relaxed and lunch is provided. A full list of lunchtime seminars scheduled for the 2010/11 academic year is available at  www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/Events/lunchtime-seminars/index.shtml.

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