DCU Alumni Awardee Billy Hann

DCU Alumni Awardee 2024 Billy Hann
Billy Hann is Chief Executive Officer of Dublin Bus. Ireland’s largest public transport provider, where he leads a team of over 4,200 people in delivering a safe, reliable, high-quality bus service to over 480,000 customers daily across the Greater Dublin Area.
Billy began his career in the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) in the mid 1990s providing engineering support for the Dublin Air Traffic Control Centre. He went on to serve the IAA in a range of management roles over 29 years, culminating as the Director of Air Traffic Management, Operations and Strategy.
In this role, Billy was responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of 451,000 km² of airspace—a critical gateway for transatlantic aviation. He also played a key role in the development of the iconic new control tower at Dublin Airport, Ireland’s tallest inhabited building, standing at 86.9 meters.
In December 2022, Billy redirected his focus from the Irish skyline to the streets of Dublin when he joined Dublin Bus. Since taking that role, he has introduced a new corporate strategy, established a new Executive Team, and overseen one of the largest and most successful recruitment drives in the company’s history, hiring over 1,000 drivers.
In 2024, Dublin Bus recorded a historical high of 159 million customers journeys across the year reflecting the success of its growth and transformation in response to the needs of the city.
MSc Operations Management, 2000