DCU Alumni
Staff Contacting Graduates: Guide & Information

Class of 1984 Reunion
Contacting Alumni
The Alumni Relations Office can support you in reaching your alumni on behalf of your department, school, unit or programme chair. You might want to alert alumni to exciting career opportunities, new research or academic journals, or invite them to career and industry events in the faculty.
The records we hold of alumni are subject to DCU GDPR policy and GDPR best practices and we thank you in advance for your patience in attending to your request.
What to expect from us
- We ask for a minimum two weeks between agreeing the request and when you’d like your communication to be sent.
- Once we have received the request form submission, we may follow up with additional queries.
- There are a variety of options with how you can communicate with alumni: either through personalised emails, inclusion in our monthly newsletter, building a department specific newsletter, and more. We will correspond with you to discuss best options.
What we need from you
- We greatly appreciate your patience as we explore the best process for ensuring you can contact graduates of DCU. We want to help you and make communicating with Alumni easy and accessible. This form is the starting point to build a transparent process between the Alumni Office and University staff.
- Please let us know whether the communication was successful and the response you received from alumni.
- If an event invite was sent please return an attendee list to the Alumni Office so we can retain this information for engagement records.
- Please do not collect personal contact details for graduates or compile local databases of contact details as the University approach is to collate a single source of information relating to contact details for all our graduates. This ensures best practice around GDPR and we hope you can help this process by asking graduates to update their details via the Keep in Touch option
What you need to do
- Decide what segment of Alumni you would like to communicate with.
- Complete our Alumni Request Form, including basic copy text, if necessary. This tells us how you wish to communicate with the alumni, when you’d like to send this communication, and what if any follow-ups we might need to ask.
Who is the communication going to?
- Please provide preferred details or specifications as possible when requesting a specific segment of alumni. For example, ‘BAJ from 2013-2015 living in Dublin’
- Include criteria like preferred address, class year, course, most recent company.
- If you are hoping to communicate with current students, you can still use the class lists as alumni do not lose access to their mail.dcu.ie email until year after they graduate.