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Teaching Enhancement Unit

Assessment of Learning Goals

This page will outline a completely new approach was developed using Moodle Outcomes, the configurable reports plugin, and customised user role combined category based permissions to develop a new approach to support Professional Accreditation process required by DCU Business School. This has saved the Business School up to 500 hours


Assurance of Learning (AoL) reports are completed by the AoL committee every semester in order to ensure that learning goals have been met. It is a time consuming but important process that is necessary as part of professional accreditation of our Business School. This presentation will outline a completely new approach was developed using Moodle Outcomes, the configurable reports plugin, and customised user role combined category based permissions. This new approach  has saved the Business School up to 500 hours.

Former Process:

  1. The AoL coordinator creates the AoL course for each year, which contains information, training and dropbox link for each program or course
  2. The AoL coordinator reaches out to course coordinators and teachers to make the setup for the Outcomes that have been agreed to
  3. Course coordinators or teachers make the Outcome setup 
  4. The Aol coordinator follows up with  those who did not complete the setup in their course, it is a big issue especially as the AoL coordinator has no access to those courses
  5. The AoL coordinator contacts the course teachers and coordinators again to ask them to fill in the results sheets
  6. Course coordinators or teachers need to collect the results manually and submit them to a dropbox which the AoL coordinator has created and shared with them through the AoL course that has been created in step 1
  7. The AoL coordinator needs to double check that all the sheets have been submitted
  8. The AoL coordinator needs to take all the sheets and gather all the information in one sheet 
  9. The AoL coordinator needs to make his analysis to get the AoL report by students, program, outcomes and PG/UG.


There are a few challenges in this process but the biggest one is following up with different stakeholders and asking them to make the setup, submit the results and correct any identified mistakes. From the teachers/coordinators’ side it takes them time to check that all the students got results, get them in sheets and then submit them to the dropbox or google folder. 


This process could cost up to 5 hours for each module and could contain mistakes or inaccuracies during the manual data transformation process.

New Process:

  1. The AoL coordinator needs to contact the course coordinators and teachers  by using the report that has been created for that, and does not need to update the contact sheet that he has from last year. 

Note: The only problem in this step is that the program chair, course lecturer and program or course coordinator all of them have been given one role “Teacher” in Moodle. We are working to change that and add new roles such as Coordinator. 

  1. The AoL committee members can access all the data analytics by accessing the reports that has been created to show the totals or percentage for the Outcomes by user, course, program, outcomes and PG/UG