DCU Learning Innovation Fund (LIF): 2009-2010 Project Scheme
Learning Innovation Unit
DCU Learning Innovation Fund
(LIF) 2009/2010
Project Scheme: Call for applications
Issued: 21th December 2009
Closing: 8th February 2010
Reference: lif/2009-2010/project-scheme
- Introduction
- Application deadline
- Eligible applicants
- Activities that may be funded
- Intellectual property
- Reporting
- Dissemination
- Evaluation process
- Application form
The Learning Innovation Fund (LIF) is designated on an annual basis by the DCU Executive Committee to support strategic innovation and enhancement of the University's Teaching and Learning activities. It is administered by the Head of Learning Innovation with the advice of the Learning Innovation Advisory Panel (LIAP).
A specific allocation has been made from this fund in the session 2009-2010 to support projects which deliver on priority objectives from the Enhancement of Learning (EoL) strategic plan. The maximum award from the LIF under this scheme will be €10,000 per project* (Total project costs may be in excess of this if the additional funding is being provided from other source(s)).
* Collaborative projects from more than one discipline area may be considered for a higher amount of funding (up to a maximum €20,000) in recognition of the increased overhead of interdisciplinary and collaborative working and the benefit to a greater number of areas from a single project.
If you would like to apply for support under this call, please read carefully the application information below and complete the online application form as indicated.
Application deadline
This call will close on 8th February 2010 at 5pm.
It is intended that the outcome of applications under this call will be communicated to applicants, via email, by 5pm on 26th February 2010.
Awards under this call must be fully taken up by end December 2010, i.e. all expenditure must be completed before December 31st 2010.
Eligible applicants
All categories of DCU staff are eligible to submit applications, i.e. full-time, part-time, permanent, contract, academic, administrative or technical. Contract staff should consult with their Head of School/Function before submitting an application.
Activities that may be funded
In this particular call under the LIF Project Scheme, preference will be given to projects which clearly address priority aspects of the Enhancement of Learning (EoL) strategic plan and other relevant strategic priorities. High priority areas include:
- Facilitating the transition to Higher Education
- Developing flexible learning opportunities
- Responding to the National upskilling agenda
- Targeting access and participation of under-represented groups
- Constructive alignment of learning outcomes and assessment, including redesign of assessment
- Integrating teaching and research
Applications are also welcomed for projects designed to research or support other innovations in teaching and learning practice, even if they fall outside the above priority areas. However, activities which are primarily or largely concerned with domain knowledge (as opposed to teaching and learning of that domain knowledge) will not generally be supported.
Prospective applicants should review the awards made under the LIF Project Scheme(s) in previous years prior to submitting an application.
Intellectual property
It is important that resources funded under this Scheme, including intellectual property, remain available to the University. Accordingly, unless agreed otherwise, copyright to materials developed with support under this scheme will be vested in the University, through LIU. Please note that this provision is intended only to protect the legitimate interests of the University, particularly in its use of public funds. It is not intended to discourage or inhibit innovation. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact the LIU directly.
On receipt of an award, recipients will be issued with a project planning template and a project budgeting template. The project planning template must be completed by the principal applicant and returned to the LIU prior to monies being awarded. The budgeting template should be submitted to the LIU prior to project initiation and on project completion. Any significant amendments to the project or financial plan are to be made in discussion with the LIU. Award recipients will be expected to regularly update the LIU on the status of their project.
The LIF is a University designated fund: it is important that the deployment of the fund be open and transparent and that, as far as possible, it provides benefits to the widest University community. The LIU co-ordinates a variety of activities through which to publicise and disseminate the outcomes of LIF awards.
It is a condition of this scheme that successful applicants must engage actively and effectively in disseminating the outcomes from the award to the wider University community. Recipients of awards are also expected to:
- Submit a final report on the project, which will be made available via the LIU website.
- Disseminate the outcomes of the project at a LIU Lunchtime Seminar.
In addition, the original information in this completed application will be made available via the LIU website immediately after an award is made.
Application evaluation process
In order to more closely align submissions with Faculty priorities, and to ensure more equal representation from each Faculty, an evaluation process lead by the Faculty Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning will take place initially. Faculties will then recommend the highest ranked projects for final evaluation by a sub-group of the Learning Innovation Advisory Panel. Submissions from outside of the Faculties will be evaluated by the LIU in the first instance.
Application form
Please complete the online application form as indicated.