DCU Teaching & Learning Fund

Learning Innovation Unit

DCU Teaching & Learning Fund (TLF): 2005/2006

President's Teaching & Learning Awards 2005/2006 
Call for Nominations

Issued: 16/3/06
Closing: 21/4/06
Reference: tlf/2005-2006/PresAwards


The TLF is a special fund designated on an annual basis by the DCU Executive Committee to support strategic innovation and enhancement of the University's Teaching and Learning activities. It is augmented by funding for some specific schemes under the HEA Targeted Initiatives mechanism. The fund is administered by the Learning Innovation Unit (LIU) with the advice of the Associate Deans for Teaching and Learning.

A specific allocation has been made from this fund in the session 2005/2006 to support the President's Teaching and Learning Awards, to recognise outstanding contributions to DCU's Teaching and Learning mission on the part of members of staff.

Nature of Awards

Up to two awards will be made. The number of awards made will depend on the quality of the received nominations. Each award will consist of a formal citation, together with a prize of €2,500, presented by the President.


Candidates for the awards should be members of DCU staff who have made an outstanding contribution to DCU teaching and learning activities. The awards are open to academic and support staff, including Library, Registry, Computer Services, Education Services etc. An award may be made to a single member of staff, or to a group of staff who have been jointly involved in the particular activities being recognised. Please note that candidates must be current members of DCU staff – visitors to the university are not eligible.


Candidates (individuals or groups/teams) must be proposed by a nominator and at least one other supporter. Nominators and supporters may be current students, graduates or members of staff. Nominations will be asked for an endorsement the relevant Head of School.

Candidates may be nominated more than once. Candidates with multiple nominations will be given extra weighting, providing each nomination provides evidence of a different facet of his or her contribution to teaching and learning.

Nomination Process

If you would like to make a nomination under this scheme, you should identify the candidate you wish to nominate, and one or more suitable supporters. You should then prepare the brief nomination information required below.

The LIU will inform each candidate when he or she is nominated for the award, and verify that he or she is willing to be put forward for the award.

The full text of nominations will be regularly published (via allstaff, allstudents, in An Tarbh and on the nominations page.

Please note that any candidate may be nominated more than once, so please do submit a nomination even if you see that the candidate you would like to put forward has been nominated already.

Evaluation Process

Award nominations can be accepted only through completion of the on-line form below. Nominations will be evaluated by a Panel established by the Learning Innovation Unit and the Associate Deans for Teaching and Learning.

Important Dates

The final nomination deadline is 5pm, on May 10th 2006. Awards are due to be presented on 25th May during the DCU Teaching and Learning Day. Insofar as possible, candidates should ensure that they are available on that day.

Application Form

Please read the brief document Online Forms: Some Tips n' Tricks before completing this form. Fields marked with an asterisk (*must be filled in.

You are strongly encouraged to prepare all required information first using a suitable word processing package or text editor, so that you can save this information, and thus protect against any technical problems which may occur during online submission. The information can then be copied and pasted into the appropriate sections below. Note that only "plain" text information will be retained in the form: so any complex formatting (fonts, colours, images, etc.) will be lost. learning.innovation@DCU.ie.

When all the appropriate information has been pasted in, please activate the Submit button below the form.

1. Nominator and Supporters

1.1 Contact Information

*Affiliation: For staff this should be your school or unit; for students (past or current) this should be your programme. 
*Email Address:
*Supporters - Name, status, email address:
(One per line)

1.2 Nominator Citation:

*Candidate Name:

*Please summarise why you believe the candidate should be considered for this award. For example, what do you perceive to be  the distinctive qualities of the candidate's contribution to teaching and learning? Why do feel the candidates especially distinguished? Can you comment on the range and depth of impact on the candidate on learning?

[Please be concise: the text in this section should be a maximum of c. 800 words.]


2. Other Information

If there are other brief points which you wish to highlight, please enter them here. This may include any comments on the Award scheme itself and/or the application process.


3. Submission

When all the required information has been filled in, please activate the Submit button below.

Provided the form has been filled in appropriately, your application will be recorded, and a confirmation page should be displayed in your browser. You should also receive an automatic email acknowledgement, including a copy of all the data you have entered. This should arrive within a few minutes, though at worst it may be delayed up to an hour or so. If you do not receive this, or all the entered data is not present, or if you have any other problem or question relating to your application, please contact learning.innovation@DCU.ie.