Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University

Learning Innovation Unit

DCU Learning Innovation Fund (LIF) 2009/2010
Rolling Call: Teaching and Learning Conference and Publications Scheme


Issued: 18 December 2009
Reference: lif/2009-2010/conference-publications


The Learning Innovation Fund (LIF) is a special fund designated on an annual basis by the DCU Executive Committee to support strategic innovation and enhancement of the University's Teaching and Learning activities. It is administered by the Head of Learning Innovation, with the advice of the Learning Innovation Advisory Panel (LIAP)

A specific allocation has been made from this fund in the session 2009/2010 to support:

  1. The dissemination of the output of scholarly activity relating to Teaching/Learning (e.g. costs relating to the publication of research outputs to books/journals; fees and subsistence relating to presenting at a conference)
  2. A contribution towards (up to 50%) of the costs incurred in attending a relevant event or conference.

Application Deadline

Travel applications up to 31st December 2010 will be considered in this call.  Funding allocated must be spent by 30th of September 2010.

Applications will be evaluated and awards made on a first-come, first-served basis, unless and until, the allocated funding is depleted at which point this call will be closed.

Eligible Applicants

This call is open to DCU Academic staff and Academic Support staff. Applications to support travel by research students cannot be accepted in this call.

Contract staff should consult with their Head of School or Function before submitting the application.

Levels of Award

Applications under this scheme are limited to a maximum of €1,500 per person traveling/per publication. This refers only to the amount sought from the LIF: total costs may be in excess of this if the additional funding is being provided from other source(s).

To facilitate the administrative process, joint applications are encouraged where more than one individual from the same School or Unit is applying for the same visit/conference. However, in such cases the joint application will be awarded or refused as a single unit.

Should the cost of the trip increase (e.g. due to increased flight costs) between application approval and undertaking the trip, additional costs must be met from another source. The Applicant's Head of School/Function will be required to act as a guarantor wirh respect to any such excess costs.

Example Activities

Examples of activities which may be funded under this call include:

  • Fees relating to the publication of research outputs in relevant publications.
  • Presentation at a conference which is directly relevant to teaching/learning.
  • Up to 50% of the costs incurred with respect to attendance at relevant event or conference.*

*Some useful pointers to some relevant conferences and events are available through the British Education Index.

Application and Award Process

Please submit your  application by completing the online Application Form at the end of this page. Applications to this scheme will be evaluated by the Head of the LIU (subject to review by the LIAP panel where deemed necessary). Additional information in support of an application may be requested, if that is considered appropriate. All applications must be endorsed by the relevant Head of School or Function.

Applicants will be notified (via email) of the outcome of applications under this scheme within three working weeks of receipt of the application.

Applications will be evaluated and awards made on a first-come, first-served basis, unless and until the allocated funding is depleted, at which point this call will be closed.


The LIF is a University designated fund: it is essential that the deployment of the fund be open and transparent and that, as far as possible, it provides benefits to the widest University community. The LIU co-ordinates a variety of activities through which to publicise and disseminate the outcomes of LIF awards.

Recipients of awards must to co-operate with such activities, including honouring the obligation to submit a brief report detailing the activities supported under the award, which will be made available via the LIU website.

Award recipients are also be required to submit appropriate documentation (receipts booking details etc.). to the LIU


Any decisions of the Head of the LIU under this scheme may be appealed to the LIAP, within three working weeks of the decision being issued.

Application Form

Please complete the online application form as indicated.