This short video provides an introduction to the work done by DCU on our Analytics project which conducted as one of the projects for our response to SATLE 2020.
For this project we focused on staff and student engagement data and how we could use this data to enhance student success. This data is then used to implement changes to current processes and provide CPD activities to enhance the student and staff experience
There are two ways to copy those reports to your Moodle
First Method
- Open your Configurable Reports plugin and create new report,
- Add the report text and customise it
- Add filters
- Add Graphs
Second Method
- Download the report from our Google Drive folder
- Upload the reports to your Configurable Report plugin
- Customise the report and filters to suit your Moodle database and your needs
NOTE: for some reason exporting this report to Moodle 3.11 does not work so the best way to add this report is to do that is to use the first method
The following are the statements in the report code that you probably need to update
- “mu.aim AS 'PG/UG' ,” mu is the User table in Moodle database, aim is one of the columns in that table. We stored the PG/UG information for each student in that column. You need to find out where you store this information and customise your code. Or you just get rid of this piece of code.
- “mu.msn AS 'academic year',” msn is another column in the user table and we stored the academic year in it. Again if you do not have this column in your Db just get rid of it or customise your code to extract that piece of information.
- “mu.address AS 'Program',” We stored the user program information in the address column of the same table. Again we stored the program information in the address column. You can do the same and store the program info in this field or you can create a custom field in the student profile and add this information to it. Then you call this column to your report.
WHEN gg.finalgrade = 3.00000 THEN 'Above Standard'
WHEN gg.finalgrade = 2.00000 THEN 'At Standard'
WHEN gg.finalgrade = 1.00000 THEN 'Below Standard'
WHEN gg.finalgrade = NULL THEN 'No Outcome'
ELSE gg.finalgrade
END AS 'AoL Assessment', This piece of code was created based on the Scale that we use in our Assurance of Learning process. You customise it if you have a different scale.
- “mcc.name LIKE 'DCU BUSINESS SCHOOL 2021/2022' ” In this clause you need to customise the category name and add the one you are looking for. In our case we have the Business School in DCU for the current academic year.
) teacher,
courses.id courseid
FROM prefix_role_assignments assign
JOIN prefix_role roles ON roles.id = assign.roleid
JOIN prefix_context context ON assign.contextid = context.id
JOIN prefix_course courses ON context.instanceid = courses.id
JOIN prefix_user users ON assign.userid = users.id
WHERE roles.shortname = 'editingteacher'
AND context.contextlevel = 50
GROUP BY courseid
) teachers ON mc.id = teachers.courseid
You need to customise this block of code if you have a coordinator role in your Moodle and you just want the coordinators’ email to appear in the report or you can repeat this block of code to have different people’s contacts for each course such as teacher, coordinator and chairperson or Moodle manager.
- %%FILTER_COURSES:gi.courseid%% I do not think you need to customise this filter unless you cancelled one of the columns, then the filter is going to need a configuration update
%%FILTER_SEARCHTEXT_pgug:mu.aim:~%% if you cancel the mu.aim column then you need to cancel the filter and delete the filter configuration too
This list of videos offer illustrates how to set up outcomes in within Moodle.
- Moodle Outcomes 1: How to enable outcomes in Moodle
- Moodle Outcomes 2: How to Create Scale in Moodle
- Moodle Outcomes 3: How to Create Outcomes in Moodle
- Moodle Outcomes 4: How to Create Scale or an Outcome in Moodle as a Teacher
- Moodle Outcomes 5: How to Add an Outcome/s in a Moodle Course
- Moodle Outcomes 6: How to set up an Outcome for an Assignment in Moodle Course
- Moodle Outcomes 7: How to set up an Outcome for a Quiz in Moodle Course
- Moodle Outcomes 8: How to Insert Outcome Results for a Moodle Quiz
- Moodle Outcomes 9: How to Grade a Forum Post in Moodle
- Moodle Outcomes 10: How to Insert Outcome Results into a Forum Activity in Moodle
- Moodle Outcomes 11:How to Insert Outcome Results to any Graded Item in Moodle
- Moodle Outcomes 12: General Tips about Outcome Setup in Moodle
Moodle Outcome 13: How to Add Outcome Results to a Moodle Course if you Use Offline Assessment