Advance HE Recognition


Advance HE Fellowship demonstrates a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. In October 2019 DCU became a member of Advance HE and formally launched a pilot of the Fellowship Scheme.  In 2021, the TEU opened the scheme to all staff and the first supported journey to Fellowship was launched.  Check out a recent blog post describing how far fellowship has come at DCU, with the numbers of successful applicants continuing to grow.


Who is Fellowship For?

Across four categories, from Associate to Principal, Fellowship provides individuals with recognition of their practice, impact and leadership of teaching and learning. Information on Advance HE, the categories, and application requirements are available from the Fellowship area of the Advance HE website.



The Advance HE Fellowship process enables you to think about your professional and personal development planning and is an excellent way to reflect on your strengths and identify areas for improvement. The process and application allows you to articulate your capabilities and increase your employability and progression prospects. The Fellowship certification provides a portable, internationally recognised, Advance HE-accredited recognition of your practice in teaching and/or supporting learning.

This blog post by Professor Mark Brown outlines the DCU commitment to recognising teaching excellence through Advance HE.


The TEU Supported Journey to Fellowship

DCU’s supported journey to Fellowship is the first of its kind nationally and has resulted in over 100 DCU Fellows across all Faculties, the highest number of Advance HE Fellows in any HEI in Ireland. 



The Supported Journey to Fellowship runs twice a year and is led by the DCU Teaching Enhancement Unit. The journey includes workshops, work in progress sessions, peer review, and a private online space for accessing exemplars and other resources. A key element of the process is the inclusion of an internal review process to provide feedback on working drafts.


Connect with DCU Fellows

Some of our DCU Fellows have generously reflected on and recorded their Fellowship journey. Learn more about achieving Fellowship recognition below or reach out to our community of Fellows across DCU.

Lisa Donaldson, blog post

John McMackin, podcast

Julie Bertz, podcast

Lisa Donaldson, podcast


Start your own journey to Fellowship

If you are considering applying for Fellowship recognition with DCU in 2024, be sure to watch out for emails advertising upcoming information sessions or ask for recordings of previous sessions.

Please contact