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DCU Alumni
DCU Silver Anniversary Event MSc in Management of Operations

Silver Anniversary Event MSc in Management of Operations

Glasnevin Campus
DCU Business School
Target Audience
As below
MSc Management of Operations Alumni
Is registration required?

The MSc in Management of Operations commenced with its first cohort of 33 students registering in 1997, 25 years ago. Since that time over 1,000 students have participated in the Management of Operations  suite and have progressed in their careers in a wide range of organisations, both in Ireland and across the globe

In celebration of this anniversary DCU Business School, which has offered the Masters in recent years, is hosting a Silver Anniversary Event at DCU on the week commencing 24thOctober 2022. 

Past graduates  from each of the twenty five years of the programme, are invited to attend this networking opportunity in DCU to meet up and share experiences

Speakers will include:

  • William Hann Director Irish Aviation Authority ( First Management of Operations  Class 1997)
  • Cian Mc Manamon International Athlete (Class of 2017)
  • Niall Behan, Ex-President, DCU Student Union, (Class of 2021)


If you are interested in attending, and/or speaking at the event, or wish to be updated on this event please complete the event form available here