DCU Ethics and Privacy Week 2023

DCU Ethics and Privacy Week 2023 - Alumni Invitation

Target Audience
All Welcome
Is registration required?
Free of charge or ticket price

DCU is organising a series of online lectures during 'Ethics and Privacy Week'.

These events will take place from Jan 30th - Feb 2nd and will feature four lunchtime sessions on wide ranging topics from ‘Ethical Implications of AI’ to ‘Digital Safety: AI, Social Media, Bias, and Harm’. This lunchtime lecture series will bring together a variety of experts to discuss the current issues and responsibilities related to ethics and privacy.

As these issues are relevant to all, everyone is welcome to attend:


  • Monday, January 30th (1 - 2pm): Using data to “nudge” people to be eco-friendly
  • Tuesday, January 31st (1 - 2pm): Ethical Implications of AI
  • Wednesday, February 1st (1 - 2pm): Has an algorithm stopped your career dreams?
  • Thursday, February 2nd (1 - 2pm): Panel Discussion - Digital Safety: AI, Social Media, Bias, and Harm.

For more information, and to register, please click here