Library Link: CONUL Access Scheme

Library Link: CONUL Access Scheme
Library Link (formerly ALCID) is a co-operative access scheme agreed between Irish academic libraries. The scheme supports the research needs of academic staff and postgraduate students by allowing access to the study spaces and print collections of participating libraries, on production of an Library Link research card and a valid University ID.
- Dublin City University
- Technological University Dublin
- Mary Immaculate College
- Maynooth University
- Queen’s University Belfast
- RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Royal Irish Academy
- Royal Irish Academy of Music
- Trinity College, Dublin
- University College, Cork
- University College, Dublin
- University of Limerick
- University of Galway
- Ulster University
- Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
- National College of Art & Design
This scheme is available to full-time academics, academic-related staff, administrative staff, and registered students reading for taught or research Masters and Doctoral degrees.
It is not available to undergraduates, students studying for a postgraduate diploma or DCU alumni.
NOTE: Before applying please ensure your library account is in good standing, overdue loans will need to be returned or renewed.
To apply for a Library Link card please complete the online application form:
- Please provide full and accurate information to avoid delays in processing your application.
- Read and agree to the term and conditions by ticking the relevant check boxes.
- Upon approval, a Library Link membership card will be posted to your home address within 2-3 working days.
If you have any questions about Library Link please contact library@dcu.ie
External staff and postgraduate students interested in visiting DCU Library should inquire about Library Link membership with their home library, in the first instance.
A Library Link card entitles the member to read-only access to participant libraries.
Borrowing of collections is not possible under this access scheme.
A Library Link Card is valid for the academic year, from 1st September to 31st August (or until your DCU ID card expires if this occurs before this date) and can be renewed annually.
- You must have your DCU ID card with you as well as your Library Link card when you visit another library.
- When you visit another library, you will be subject to the regulations of that library.
- You may not borrow materials from the participating libraries.
- Check library websites for opening hours before visiting.
Visiting Library Link card holders may access any DCU Library:
Cregan Library - St. Patrick’s CampusO’Reilly Library - Glasnevin Campus
Woodlock Hall Library - All Hallow Campus
Location information here.
- Read-only access. Borrowing of collections is not possible under this access scheme.
- You must have your home institution ID card as well as your Library Link card when visiting DCU Library. Invalid ID cards and/or expired Library Link cards will not be accepted and access will be refused.