Requesting Resources for Teaching

Requesting Resources for Teaching - Module reading lists
Teaching staff should use MyReadingList, the Library's online reading list service, to:
- Create an online reading list for your module and make it available for students in Loop.
- Order new reading list items for teaching
- Request book chapters and/or journal articles to be digitised
If you are ordering to support teaching but do not have a reading list, please email your Subject Librarian.
To place a non-reading list order, use our online order form
Reading Lists – Books
We will purchase an eBook where available and affordable. When it is not possible to purchase a particular textbook or monograph in e-format or at a manageable cost, print will be purchased. We encourage you to consider recommending an existing Ebook from our vast collection of Ebooks where a title is unavailable.
Check Library Search for existing Ebooks. Your Subject Librarian can also help you source alternative titles that are available for purchase in Ebook format. You might also consider using a freely available OER textbook.
Use our online order form to place an order for non-reading list material.
Simply send your reading list(s) to subject.team@dcu.ie including the following information:
- Instructor name(s) and School
- Module name and code
- Number of students taking the module
- Indicate which items are essential or supplementary reading
We will then prepare your online reading list(s), ready to embed in your module's Loop page. If there are items on your reading list(s) we don't hold, we will order them. Ideally we should receive your reading list well in advance of the beginning of each semester to ensure timely availability for students, but we welcome them throughout the year.
Materials such DVDs or educational resources (in the case of staff in DCU Institute of Education) can be added to MyReadingList just like books, book chapters, and journal articles.
The simple answer to this is that unfortunately publishers don’t always sell Ebooks to libraries. Sometimes eBooks are sold on an annual subscription or as part of a wider eBook collection where the cost of these subscriptions can exceed budget availability. Etextbooks are often only available for student purchase and not for sale to libraries. Libraries can sometimes get older editions of titles in eBook format but not always the most recent edition.
There were many key textbooks requested in recent months where only print copies could be sourced. Some of these texts are available online via third-party contractors offering access to a specific cohort of students on an annual subscription basis. The cost of each title may depend on the
number of students requiring access. So for example, a text book could cost €60 and be required by 150 students in semester one. The annual cost is typically worked out by multiplying the cost by the
number of students so for a €60 title the cost would be €9,000 per year. Even if the class size was smaller, say 20 it would cost €1,200 per year. This type of model is however simply not sustainable or affordable for many libraries at this time.
Publishers always assign licenses to the purchase of eBooks and can offer a variety of models, ranging from single user license to unlimited campus wide access. We always try to source licenses offering unlimited institutional access i.e. with no restriction on the number of students who can access it at the same time. Sometimes however, titles may only be available with a single user or three user licence. That means the maximum number of students who can access it at the same time is one or three. We have (where affordable and at a similar cost to a print copy) purchased a number of copies of eBooks where the licence was too restrictive
Yes, you can track your order(s) via the Library Catalogue. To do this, enter the title in the search box and check its status e.g. on order/received/available.
Reading Lists - Book chapters and Journal articles
To support reading list requirements the library offers a service where digital scans of key chapters can be sourced for you. This service allows for scans from owned and non-DCU owned items (both print and eBook chapters, extracts and journal articles also) to be made in compliance with copyright laws.
The scans are linked to directly from MyReadingList.
Send your reading list(s) to subject.team@dcu.ie to avail of our MyReadingList service and include all resources (books, chapters, journal articles, etc.) your students will need access to. Book chapters and journal articles will automatically be scanned as we prepare your online reading list(s) for you.
Yes, under copyright legislation you cannot exceed: 10% of a book or one chapter (whichever is greater), two articles from a particular journal issue or 10% (whichever is greater), or up to a whole journal issue if it is devoted to a particular theme - per module, per academic year.
Should an exception to the above be sought, the Library can approach the publisher to request an exception.
Second Extract Permissions Service (SEPS) - this service allows for the “purchase” of permission to copy and use an additional amount – a ‘second extract’ – e.g. another chapter from the book or another 10%.
New Journal Titles or Databases
Currently, new subscriptions to journals and/or databases may only be purchased where cancellations of equivalent value are made. The Library maintain a list of requests for new subscriptions. This list is reviewed annually and when and if budget permits, purchasing decisions are made on a priority basis. Schools can consider funding a subscription which will be administered by the library. Contact your Subject Librarian with suggestions or to discuss. In the case of databases, it may be possible to request a trial for a short period for evaluation purposes.