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Teaching Enhancement Unit

SATLE 2020

Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE) Funding 2020. This page provides details on the DCU projects funded under the SATLE 2020 fund from the National Forum

In December 2020 a call was issued by the National Forum with a total value for the sector of €5m. This represents a significant commitment to the enhancement of teaching and learning in Irish higher education and follows from an equivalent call in late 2019. The directed funding allocation to each eligible institution from this fund is designed to enable the development of a strong foundation for future enhancement of teaching and learning within each institution in line with local priorities. The strategic focus of this 2020 SATLE fund is Transforming Teaching and Learning for Student Success.

In DCU we concentrated the funding on three areas in particular, each of which aligned with our Teaching & Learning Strategic Plan: Assessment Design, Analytics & Challenge Based Learning. More details on our work in each area is available through the relevant icons below.