Teaching PATHways
The Teaching PATHways Project is a Dublin City University initiative, funded by the Higher Education Authority, which enables students to experience ‘being a teacher’. The programme consists of 3 units aimed at each year of Junior Cycle. Each unit contains ready to use bespoke curriculum materials, resources, activities and carefully selected case studies. Units are accompanied by teacher guidance notes and digital supports. While the programme looks at teaching as a career, each unit supports personal discovery and career exploration in a general sense. Aligned with the Wellbeing Indicators and located within the Wellbeing area of learning, the programme unpacks perceptions of teaching as a career, particularly amongst groups that are currently underrepresented in teaching.
Year 1
Unit 1: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes
Unit 2: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes | Quiz
Unit 3: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes
Year 2
Unit 1: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes | Types of Smart Self-Assessment
Unit 2: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes
Unit 3: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes
Year 3
Unit 1: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes
Unit 2: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes
Unit 3: Unit Slides | Teacher Guidance Notes
Year 1
Aonad 1: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí
Aonad 2: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí | Tráth na Gceist
Aonad 3: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí
Year 2
Aonad 1: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí | Cineálacha Féinmheasúnaithe Cliste
Aonad 2: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí
Aonad 3: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí
Year 3
Aonad 1: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí
Aonad 2: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí
Aonad 3: Sleamhnáin Aonaid | Nótaí Treorach do Mhúinteoirí