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School of Communications

BA in Communications Structure for Incoming Students 2011

School of Communications

BA in Communication Studies Programme Academic Structure for 2011 - 2012

Information for Students Registering for First Year September 2011

This information is provisional and subject to change.

Explanation of Terms/Frequently Asked Questions

Year 1 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %
CM102Cultural Studies10Semester 20100
CM107Introduction to Social Studies5Semester 10100
CM121Digital Media Skills 15Semester 10100
CM135Analysing Media Content5Semester 20100
CM137History & Structure of the Media5Semester 28020
CM138 Digital Media Skills 2 5 Semester 20100
CM151 Introduction to Communication Theory 10Semester 10100
CM152Psychology, Media and Creativity5Semester 20100
CM153Critical Thinking and Independent Learning5Semester 10100
LC110Language, Culture & Internat. Communication5Semester 10100

Year 2 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %
CM201Research Methods5Semester 10100
CM213Media Writing & Expression5Semester 20100
CM277Media Audiences5Semester 20100
CM278Media and Power5Semester 20100

Year 2 Optional Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %
CM204Video Production 110Semester 10100
CM205 Audio Production 1 10Semester 10100
CM206Photography & Imaging 110Semester 10100
CM214Video Production 210Semester 20100
CM215 Audio Production 2 10Semester 20100
CM216Photography & Imaging 210Semester 20100
CM202Television Drama5Semester 2 100 0
CM212Analysing Advertising5Semester 2 100 0
CM219Cross-Cultural Communications5Semester 2 30 70
CM261Crime and the Media5Semester 10100
CM271Current Affairs5Semester 10100
CM272Ireland and National Cinema5Semester 21000
CM279Film Music5Semester 2 0 100
CM306Film History & Theory5Semester 16040

Year 3 Core Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %
CM301CS Degree Project20Year long0100
CM345Year 2 Contribution0Semester 20100
CM382 Applying Communication Theory 5Semester 10100

Year 3 Optional Modules:

CodeTitleCreditSemesterExam %CA %
CM303Advanced Video Production 110Semester 10100
CM304 Advanced Audio and Features10Semester 10100
CM305Advanced Photography & Imaging 110Semester 10100
CM310Press & Public Relations5Semester 10100
CM313Advanced Video Production 210Semester 20100
CM314 Advanced Audio and Features 210Semester 20100
CM315Advanced Photography & Imaging 210Semester 20100
CM322Media Law5Semester 10100
CM334Perspectives on the Information Society5Semester 10100
CM358Cultural Performance & Popular Entertainment5Semester 10100
CM364Belief and Communication5Semester 20100
CM367Professional Communication Skills5Semester 20100
CM380The Human Voice5Semester 20100
FR103AFrench Language 1 (Intermediate)5Semester 10100
FR104AFrench Language 2 (Intermediate)5Semester 20100
FR238French for Academic Purposes: Business 35Semester 10100
FR248French Language 4 (Intermediate)5Semester 20100
SP101ASpanish Language 1 (Ab initio)5Semester 16040
SP102ASpanish Language 2 (Ab initio)5Semester 20100
SP103ASpanish Language 1 (Intermediate)5Semester 10100
SP104ASpanish Language 2 (Intermediate)5Semester 20100
SP201Spanish Language 3 (Ab initio)5Semester 15050
SP202Spanish Language 4 (Ab initio)5Semester 25050
SP238Spanish for Specialist Purposes5Semester 10100
SP268Spanish Language 6 (Ex Intermediate)5Semester 25050
UM404Uaneen - Contributing Module5Semester 20100
UM405Uaneen Non-Contributing Module5Year long0100